Dec 09

Meatballs, Norwegian style..

It seems like my page has turned out into food only or something.. It was not really my intention.. After work around 7:30 there is only so much I can do and it usually involves food and good friends.. ha ha.. but anyway here comes a new one. Today me and the Girls were invited to Idun’s for dinner. She made meatballs, Norwegian style with all the necessary small dishes like “Kål Stuing”, “Erter stuing”  og tytteber… mmmm… It was very good.. Norwegian food is pretty heavy for the stomach so after the dinner we just chilled on the sofa for a while..



  1. Iris says:

    ja da, eg har det kjempe bra.. nå telle eg ner te eg ska få jula besøk.. du må ha ei fine jul du og.

  2. Eivor says:

    Kjekt å sjå at du har det bra Iris :=) Håpe du får ei fine jul der nede o :=)

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