Posts from ‘December, 2009’

Dec 29

Jedna den kaldaste dagen i Desember va me på muren ein tur meg Pappa og Camilla… me va heldigvis ikkje dei einaste..

Dec 28
Dec 28

Itte å ha tilbrakt julaften på flyplassar og fly, kom Pappa og Camilla endeligen te Beijing fuste juledag. Me har alerede rokke å gjort litt forskjellikt ute i kulden.. e vel rond 5 minus her nå..

Dec 25

Nå har eg feira Jul for tredje gongen på rad i Kina. Eg sko jo egentlikt hatt julabesøk, men dei sat på flyplassar og fly heile julaften dei, men di e på vei.. stakkars!!! Nina sto for maten i år som i fjor, men go hjelp 🙂 Eg blei så mette att eg holdt på […]

Dec 21

Eg vant premie for beste hatt.. Adle ville bli tatt bilder av me jordbere på håvet..

Dec 17

Paper Mache

We have had a very fun week at work so far.. we made hats, a lot of hats.. My company are having our New Year party (Julabord) on the coming Friday, and it is going to be a Hat party. To make it more fun we are going to have a competition. I am in […]

Dec 13

Nye glaser..

Me har ikkje hatt så goe varme akkorat i leiligheten vår denne vinteren.. så i dag akkorat når eg va på vei ut døre kom det noken karar å sko setta inn nye glaser te oss.. kjempe skoy det.. de tok ikkje ut dei gamle.. de sat barra inn et ekstra sett.. ha ha.. fantastisk… […]

Dec 09

It seems like my page has turned out into food only or something.. It was not really my intention.. After work around 7:30 there is only so much I can do and it usually involves food and good friends.. ha ha.. but anyway here comes a new one. Today me and the Girls were invited […]

Dec 09

I dag blei eg me på ein bake time i lønsj pausen på jobb… Det blei ei grui gris for å sei det mildt.. me lagte Sjokolade trøfflar.. Å herlighet så goe di va.. me hadde ei heile bolla me sjokolade så me trilla i små rondingar å rodla di rondt i kakao sjokolade… Ingen […]

Dec 08
Dec 07


I am in love with Photoscape these days as you can see on my page. I knew about this program a long way back but i could not download it into my Mac. So now I downloaded it at Work.. and I am totally lost in this cool tool.. here are some pictures of me, […]

Dec 06

This Weekend

… the weekend always feels so short. Saturday  I was out all day with Hanne doing some necessary shopping and just enjoying downtown Beijing. Sunday I went to Church with Idun to celebrate the second Sunday in advent and then a little stop by the new H&M in zhongwancun with Idun and Sissel.

Dec 05

Friday is the happiest day in the week in my opinion. However some Fridays I am just to tired to think about doing anything. But this Friday was OK, and since Anton had planned a night out with a bunch of colleagues it was set to be a nice evening. After a nice meal some […]

Dec 03
Dec 02

My French colleague Romain Beaulande is an excellent baker. He even gives out lessons on how to make typical French cakes, like today in our lunch brake he gave a lesson with tips and tricks of making Tiramisu cake. Tomorrow we will have a taste after it have been cooled down in the fridge for […]